Taken primarily from Senior Notes, the YSSC monthly newsletter with an 11" x 17" calendar page for the month included. A subscription to Senior Notes is available to anyone of any age wishing to support Yellow Springs Senior Citizens, Inc., for a nominal annual dues of $15.00 per person or $25.00 for a family.
All events take place at the Yellow Springs Senior Center, 227 Xenia Avenue, unless otherwise indicated. Call the Center (767-5751) with any questions and to sign up for events.
Text Color Code:
*** Alerts ***
Time and location (if not at Senior Center) of activity. If only a time is shown, the Senior Center is the location
Activities sponsored by the Senior Center
Activities not sponsored by the Senior Center, but which may be of interest to our members
Time and location (if not at Senior Center) of activity. If only a time is shown, the Senior Center is the location
Activities sponsored by the Senior Center
Activities not sponsored by the Senior Center, but which may be of interest to our members
*** Special Weather Note *** If the schools are closed due to weather, the Center will be closed as well. ***
Saturday, March 15
11:30 a.m. departure from Bryan Center Parking Lot
Metropolitan Opera Live in HD: Massenet's Werther (about $20)
Noon until 2:00 p.m., Glen Helen Auditorium
Glen Helen Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon (registration: 937-769-1902)
12:30 until 3:30, Yellow Springs Library
Workshop: "Is Your Smartphone Outsmarting You??"
1:00 p.m., Trailside Museum
Guardians of the Glen Land Steward Activity
6:00 until 7:45 p.m., Morgan House Bed & Breakfast
Curtain Warmer for Pirates of Penzance
6:00 until 9:00 p.m., Coretta Scott King Center, Antioch College
YS Hootenanny
7:30 p.m., Clifton Opera House
Mo Crow & Lady Slippers bluegrass
8:00 p.m., Mills Lawn School Gym
Gilbert & Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance ($10 general, $5 student/senior)
8:00 until 11:00 p.m., Springfield Museum of Art
Tecumseh Land Trust's Black and White Party for Ansel Adams Exhibition ($35 general, $25 museum and land trust members, smoa@springfieldart.net)
Sunday, March 16
10:00 a.m., Trailside Museum
Wildflower Walk with Cecil Ogg
12:30 p.m.
Grandmother Council
1:00 until 3:30 p.m., Fairborn Art Association, 221 Central Ave.
GCCOA Senior Artisan Show
2:00 p.m., Mills Lawn School Gym
Gilbert & Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance ($10 general, $5 student/senior)
7:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church
8:00 p.m., Trailside Museum
Full Moon Hike
Monday, March 17
3:00 p.m.
St. Paddy's Day Tea
4:30 and 6:30 p.m.
Free Tax Help (call 767-5751 for appointment)
6:30 until 8:00 p.m., Yellow Springs Community Library
Book Discussion (call the library for the title)
Wednesday, March 19
12:30 p.m. departure from Bryan Center parking lot
Outing to GCCOA Senior Artisan Show in Fairborn
Thursday, March 20
*** Sign-up deadline for March 27 Lunch Bunch outing to Serendipity Bistro ***
10:00 a.m.
Travel Talk by Shirley Mullins on her Brazil experiences
March Potluck with low carbon footprint presentation by Harvey Paige
7:00 p.m.
Charlie Brown Support Group
Friday, March 21
10:30 a.m.
Poetry Reading
6:00 until 9:00 p.m., Village Artisans, 100 Corry St.
"March comes in like a lion" Artist Reception
6:30 until 9:30 p.m., Yellow Springs Arts Council Gallery, 111 Corry St.
Opening Reception for Ira Beryl Brukner ($5 suggested donation)
7:00 until 8:00 p.m.
"Exploring the ELements of Community" video series, part 1
7:00 p.m., Glen Helen Auditorium
Astronomy Talk by Pat Craig: "The Comet and the Stream"
7:30 p.m., Herndon Gallery, Antioch College
Sokolitse Spring Concert
7:30 p.m., Clifton Opera House
"One Hot Minute" southern rock
8:00 p.m., Mills Lawn School Gym
Gilbert & Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance ($10 general, $5 student/senior)
Saturday, March 22
8:15 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Antioch University Midwest, 900 Dayton St.
"Paths to Publishing" One-Day Seminar ($150, includes continental breakfast and box lunch)
10:00 until 11:30 a.m.
Older and Bolder: Complexity of health problems and strategies
1:00 p.m., Trailside Museum
Guardians of the Glen Land Steward Activity
1:00 p.m., Clifton Opera House
1:45 p.m., Little Art Theatre
National Theatre Live at Little Art: War Horse ($15)
3:00 until 4:30 p.m., Yellow Springs Community Library
The Big Read -- Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail, by Cheryl Strayed
7:00 p.m. departure from Yellow Springs High School
Cooperative Springfield Symphony Orchestra concert outing (call 767-5761 for more information)
8:00 p.m., Mills Lawn School Gym
Gilbert & Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance ($10 general, $5 student/senior)
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